Oleander Hawk Moth
Posted in Butterflies, Education
Daphnis nerii is a large hawk-moth found in wide areas of Africa and Asia. It is a migratory species, flying to parts of eastern and southern Europe during the summer. It is one of the most beautiful butterfly-like patterned moths on Earth. Because its caterpillar feeds upon the leaves of the poisonous oleander, the range of the species now includes Hawaii because the climate is conducive to survival and the food plant is cultivated.
The Oleander Hawk Moth, Deilephila nerii or Daphnis nerii (Wing span: 90--110mm) is primarily associated with "the southern Mediterranean region, North Africa and the Middle East to Afghanistan (Ebert, 1969). Along the Mediterranean, there is no clear distinction between resident and migrant populations. Permanent populations exist in suitable locations in Sicily, Crete and Cyprus; however, over a number of favorable years further colonies may be established in those islands and also in southern Italy and southern Greece, all of which die out during a hard winter."
The Oleander Hawk Moth probably flies from May to September to December (NS)in four or five generations.
Deilephila nerii or Daphnis nerii
The Oleander Hawk Moth, Deilephila nerii or Daphnis nerii (Wing span: 90--110mm) is primarily associated with "the southern Mediterranean region, North Africa and the Middle East to Afghanistan (Ebert, 1969). Along the Mediterranean, there is no clear distinction between resident and migrant populations. Permanent populations exist in suitable locations in Sicily, Crete and Cyprus; however, over a number of favorable years further colonies may be established in those islands and also in southern Italy and southern Greece, all of which die out during a hard winter."
Wing span: 90--110mm
In 1974, this species was recorded as having established itself in Hawaii (Beardsley, 1979).
Deilephila nerii "rests by day, either on a solid surface or suspended among foliage with which it blends; the head is tucked in, with the thorax and abdomen raised off the underlying substrate.
Most emerge late in the evening but do not take flight until just before dawn, to feed avidly from such flowers as Nicotiana, Petunia, Lonicera, Saponaria and Mirabilis. Thereafter, flight periods are mainly just after dusk and before dawn. Under warm conditions, adults are extremely wary and, if disturbed, will take flight even during daylight hours."
Deilephila nerii "rests by day, either on a solid surface or suspended among foliage with which it blends; the head is tucked in, with the thorax and abdomen raised off the underlying substrate.
Most emerge late in the evening but do not take flight until just before dawn, to feed avidly from such flowers as Nicotiana, Petunia, Lonicera, Saponaria and Mirabilis. Thereafter, flight periods are mainly just after dusk and before dawn. Under warm conditions, adults are extremely wary and, if disturbed, will take flight even during daylight hours."
The Oleander Hawk Moth probably flies from May to September to December (NS)in four or five generations.
The major host are the flowers and young leaves of Nerium oleander.
Minor hostplants are Vinca, Vitis, Gardenia, Asclepias, Jasminum, Trachelospermum, Amsonia, Carissa, Tabernaemontana, Mangifera, Rhazya, Adenium, Catharanthus, Ipomoea and Thevetia.
Larvae will also feed on Ligustrum ovalifolium in captivity.
Source- Infos are from http://www.silkmoths.bizland.com/dnerii.htm
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